Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day Three, Spanish and Salsa

We had Spanish lessons for two hours this morning, and learned words for family members. The discussion led to some customs associated with the family, and the family in Puerto Rico. Parents have authority, and children listen to their parents, though it is beginning to change. We also discussed again the importance of being identified as a Puerto Rican, not Hispanic or Latino.

This carried over to our class on Caribbean Rhythms and Music. Music from all over the world influences each other, and this is true of Salsa music.

Here is a sample of the music:

While it has been influenced by African, the Antilles, Spanish, and other rhythms, this music and dance has become an indentity for Puerto Rico, and we enjoyed learning some of the basic steps for the dance. We're hoping to go out tonight and practice what we learned!

The weather today (video 54) is not following the pattern we've had so far. It has been raining most of the day, not just the usual few minutes of rain, and there's been thunder. The rain is making it more feel steamy. But, I'll always take hot weather over cold!


  1. Yes, the salsa was great. You are a "chevere"" salsa dancer!

  2. The weather here is so interesting...there may not be a cloud in the sky but it is pouring. I love how people who live here don't even notice it!
